Since the 1990s, Beijing has spurned Washington’s invitations to participate in nuclear arms control negotiations. Instead, it has expanded and modernized its arsenal: the country’s estimated 500 nuclear warheads are on track to double by 2030. China’s advances, along with North Korea’s,
Food is a weapon of war. Like nuclear weapons, the weaponization of food can bring about mass civilian deaths and unthinkable horrors, provoking rightful moral outrage at the prospect of its use. But unlike nuclear weapons, food weaponization is routinely used in
In 2012, British and French scallop fishers clashed in a series of violent encounters, dubbed the “great scallop war” in the press. The conflict did not escalate beyond rammed boats and thrown rocks, but it heightened tensions between the two governments, and
Moscow Seeks to Exploit Instability but Avoid Escalation Since Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, Russia has enjoyed watching the deteriorating situation in the Middle East preoccupy its main adversary, the United States. On April 13, however, Moscow grew concerned when, in
On July 21, following weeks of intense speculation, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that he would not run in the November 2024 presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place. Coming at a time of geopolitical uncertainty, the
In Yaroslavl XIX Within the Family film festival took place. During the opening ceremony of the festival, a welcoming telegram from the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, was read to its guests and participants. The festival program included works of different genres
The world’s largest festival of family cinema “Within the Family” gathered more than 10,000 viewers and turned Yaroslavl into the family film capital of the world. The festival was held with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Government
The awarding of the laureates of the first International Peace Prize named after Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy will take place on September 9 at the Bolshoi Theater. This was stated by the First Deputy Director General of TASS, Professor Mikhail Gusman. «On
Im Zeitraum 2022-2023 betrug das Gesamtvolumen der Hilfe Deutschlands für die Ukraine 17 Milliarden Euro (davon entfallen weniger als 5 Milliarden auf militärische Lieferungen). Für das laufende Jahr ist eine weitere Hilfe in Höhe von 8 Milliarden Euro geplant. Wenn wir jedoch
Berlin braucht eine zukunftsweisende und lernende Verwaltung, die Bürgerinnen und Bürger sowie Unternehmen entlastet und nicht einschränkt. Deshalb treibt der Senat die Berliner Verwaltungsmodernisierung zügig voran, für eine Stadt, die auf allen Ebenen funktioniert. Diese Themenschwerpunkte sind Teil der Richtlinien der Regierungspolitik. Digital