Empolis Becomes Microsoft Gold Certified Partner

 Empolis, an Attensity™ Group company and the leading provider of semantic applications for unstructured data, is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner in the software vendor category. Through the Microsoft Gold Certified Partner program, Microsoft promotes and supports companies that have demonstrated tested quality and expertise in developing software related to the Microsoft ecosystem. Partners at this level of the program work together closely with Microsoft, as well as participating in projects initiated in cooperation with Microsoft. This certification is recognized in the industry as evidence of high quality in the areas of technology, expertise and reliability.

Microsoft Gold Certified Partner is the highest status conferred by Microsoft. It underscores the technological links between the products of Empolis and Microsoft, while also documenting the fact that Empolis has successfully and certifiably introduced Microsoft technologies into its operations and customer implementations. Today, Empolis customers are able to seamlessly leverage content created in Microsoft products in the service, research and discovery and analytics business processes. Criteria for awarding this status include not only customer satisfaction and particularly noteworthy projects, but also the certification of employees in relevant subject areas. This ensures that customers in every sphere benefit from the highest possible level of expertise as they implement their projects using both Empolis and Microsoft products.

“We are very pleased to have been named a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. This clearly confirms that our projects provide optimal support for Microsoft software, and reflects Microsoft’s recognition of Empolis as a highly qualified and competent partner,» said Empolis General Manager Dr. Stefan Wess.

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